Snippets Zone

Program to find the average of an array in C#

By Anoop Kumar Sharma    7732  04-July-2021

In this snippet, we will see How to find/calculate the average of an array in C#

In this snippet, we will see How to find the average of an array in C#. In order to find the average of the array, first, we need to find the sum of all array elements and then divide the sum by the length of the array.

Program to find the average of an array in C#:

static void Main(string[] args)
            //Initial Array
            int[] arr = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
            //Variable to hold Sum and Average of Array
            int sum = 0;
            int average = 0;
            //Print initial array values on console
            Console.WriteLine("Initial Array");
            foreach (var a in arr) {
                //Calculate sum of array
                sum += a;
            //Calculating average
            average = sum / arr.Length;
            //Showing Average on the Console
            Console.WriteLine("Average of array is {0}",average);
            //Console.ReadLine() to hold the screen after the execution of the program


I hope this program will help you in your interview/exam.