
Azure Core Services

In this article, we will learn about Azure Core Services and use of Azure Portal to access these services

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Azure provides several types of services in its cloud computing platform out of which few are mentioned below:

1. Compute Services: It includes Azure Cloud Services (web and worker roles), Azure Virtual Machines, App Services, etc.

2. Data Services: It includes Microsoft Azure Storage (Comprised of Blob, Queue, Table, Azure File Services, etc.), Azure SQL Database, Azure Cosmo DB etc.

3. Network Services: It includes Azure features like Virtual Network, Load balancers, Azure CDN, Azure Traffic Manager, etc.

4. Application Services: It includes services like Azure Active Directory, Service bus for connecting distributed systems, HDInsight for Big Data, Azure Media Services etc. It includes the services which you can use to build and operate your applications.

To access the services in Azure, the user needs to log in to the Azure portal( 


Create/Use existing login credentials in order to access the Azure Portal.


Click on the Hamburger button in the Menu to view the Menu Items. Click on the All services to view the Azure Services.


You can see and use hundreds of Azure Services are available in the Azure Portal.